Site Information Report

PROJECTKeyano College - Indigenous Space and Study Lounge
ADDRESS8115 Franklin Road Fort McMurray, Ab
GENERAL CONTRACTORCasman Group of Companies
ADDRESS330 MacKenzie Blvd Fort McMurray Alberta T9H 4C4 Canada
PROJECT ENGINEERTiffany Shaw-Collinge
ADDRESS10225 100 Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5J 0A1 Canada
COMMENTSCould not see all of the welding as it is already installed in the ceiling.

Tizzco's Riverside Machining And Welding is certified to CSA Standard W47.1 “APP of companies for fusion welding of steel” in Division 3 but was not sublet the work by a company certified to Division 1 or 2 and, therefore, does not meet the requirements of CSA S16 Clause 24.3 which is referenced in the National & Provincial Building Codes Section

NBCC Section "Building and their structural members made of structural steel shall conform to CSA S16 “Design of Steel Structures.”

CSA S16 Clause 24.3: “Fabricators and erectors responsible for welding structures fabricated or erected under this Standard shall meet the requirements of CSA W47.1, CSA W55.3 or both, as applicable in Division 1 or Division 2. Part of the work may be sublet to a Division 3 fabricator or erector; however, the Division 1 or Division 2 fabricator or erector shall retain responsibility for the sublet work.”

SITE CONTACTEugene Fradsham
DATENov 21, 2024