Site Information Report
PROJECT | Sawchuk Devolpments New Office Building |
ADDRESS | Sexsmith Road, Kelowna BC |
GENERAL CONTRACTOR | Sawchuk Developements Co. Ltd. |
ADDRESS | 486 Adama Rd Kelowna BC V1X 7S1 Canada |
COMMENTS | Steel beams for building. |
Grizzly Metal Fab Inc. is certified to CSA Standard W47.1 “APP of companies for fusion welding of steel” in Division 2 and, therefore, does meet the requirements of CSA S16 Clause 24.3 which is referenced in the National & Provincial Building Codes Section NBCC Section "Building and their structural members made of structural steel shall conform to CSA S16 “Design of Steel Structures.” CSA S16 Clause 24.3: “Fabricators and erectors responsible for welding structures fabricated or erected under this Standard shall meet the requirements of CSA W47.1, CSA W55.3 or both, as applicable in Division 1 or Division 2. Part of the work may be sublet to a Division 3 fabricator or erector; however, the Division 1 or Division 2 fabricator or erector shall retain responsibility for the sublet work.” | |
SITE CONTACT | Devon Reekie |
CWB REPRESENTATIVE | Colleen MacLellan |
DATE | Nov 29, 2024 |